Neurological conditions, blood vessel disorders, diabetes, migraines, autoimmune disorders and many other conditions can also cause tinnitus. The sounds can become intense and constant enough to make it difficult to sleep or concentrate. There are, however, some factors that can worsen tinnitus such as certain drugs, anxiety, stress, or prolonged exposure to loud noise. These visits are meant to provide tinnitus assistance to discuss your experience, its impact, as well as tools that you can use to manage your tinnitus. A pure tone hearing test, which results in an audogram, may be helpful in diagnosing the cause of tinnitus. Other treatments reduce or mask the noise making tinnitus less noticeable. But doctors know that stress or anxiety can increase an individual's awareness of tinnitus. Although many of these are vascular in nature and may be audible by the examiner, most are not and, thus, are audible only to the patient. Tinnitus can occasionally be heard using a stethoscope. Zhang says it's like pain. This can make it worse. This movement triggers electrical signals that run along the nerve from your ears to your brain. The level of treatment for tinnitus sufferers must be decided by health authorities. See your doctor if you experience tinnitus.
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