According to the Centers for Disease Control, the condition is commonly referred to by people as a ringing or ringing in their ears and affects more than 50 million people. However, the blockage also can cause permanent damage. Stenosis, also known as narrowing, can cause blood to stop flowing and can cause pulsatile tinnitus, which is a whooshing sound or other sounds. This can result in a reduced listening effort, an apparent reduction in tinnitus level, and a better ability to communicate with ease. This quick online test can help you determine if you have tinnitus or hearing loss. This means that you may need several clinic pages before finding the right provider. Sound therapy is an integral part in managing tinnitus. For example, if you have a heart murmur, you may hear a whooshing sound with every heartbeat; your clinician can also hear that sound through a stethoscope. These active listening strategies can enhance your communication and create a more positive environment for you than hearing aids. Our audiologists will also look at your use and intake of prescription drugs, over the counter medications, and vitamins, supplements, in order to determine if they are contributing factors to your tinnitus. It can also be more persistent and distressful when a person obsesses over it.